Add the college/university to your Naviance list of “colleges I’m applying to” and request an “initial transcript."
Dual credit transcripts must be requested directly from the university or college issuing the college credit.
Antonian counselors are unable to request transcripts for the student.
You must request official test scores directly from ACT or the College Board. Scores sent by your ACP counselor are not official and, therefore, will not be sent.
Students must request letters directly from the faculty member and provide that faculty member a copy of his/her resume. After receiving a positive response, students MUST go on Naviance and add the teacher as a recommender in the “recommendation” tab. IMPORTANT: Student must let the recommender know all the methods that they will be applying, i.e., ApplyTexas, CommonApp, Coalition App.
Generally they begin to open on July 1st prior to a student’s senior year.
This varies by school however, in general students should attempt to apply by Oct. 31 as early deadlines begin in November.
The National Honor Society offers free peer tutoring. See your counselor to get matched with an NHS tutor.
Antonian is considered a non-ranking school and therefore counselors are prohibited from divulging rank information.
Student quartiles are represented on the transcripts and students who fall within the top 10% will have that rank reported directly to institutions of higher learning or scholarship committees.
A student may walk in for a meeting or email his/her counselor to schedule a specific time. The counseling office follows an “open-door” policy in regards to meeting with students.
Students do not need to request a final transcript. Counselors will automatically send final transcripts to the college/university that the student identifies as attending in the graduation program. If a student desires a transcript be sent to a community college to take summer work, they must request this transcript through Naviance after graduation.
Links to both applications can be found on Naviance. Students need to use the links to create their own account and begin the application process.
Every student will set up their own College Board account through their registration for their first PSAT. This is the student’s account and as such the counselors cannot reset it for the student. Students must contact the College Board for a reset themselves.
Students can reset their own account by using the “forgot password” option.
Students meet with their counselor to determine if their schedule can change and how the schedule change might impact credits and graduation requirements.
If the schedule change is approved by the counselor, the student takes a schedule change form home to be signed by a parent and returns the form to Laura Morales, the Antonian registrar, to make the schedule change.
The student MUST follow the old schedule until he/she receives a copy of the changed schedule.
Providing services to assist students with individual planning in completing personal graduation plans, college applications and standardized testing, college/career counseling and academic advising.
Mrs. Jovita Ratnayeke, Counselor, (Students A-G), Mrs. Lilliana Pando, Counselor, (Students H-PL), and Mr. Steve Perritano, Director of College Guidance, (Students PL-Z).
Coordinates individual planning in completing personal graduation plans, college applications, standardized testing(SAT/ACT), college exploration, vocational/career counseling, academic advising, and course scheduling.
Assists students and parents in academic, college, and career counseling.
Provide PSAT, SAT, ACT, Dual credit, and AP course guidance and offer a SAT Prep Course on campus three times a year (Fall, Spring, and Summer).
Antonian is an SAT and ACT Test Center and administers both tests twice yearly.
College credits earned through dual credit classes are conferred by the university, not Antonian College Preparatory High School. As such, students must request dual credit transcripts directly from the issuing university, not from your Antonian counselors. Please do not order your dual credit transcript until after the end of the school year in order for St. Mary’s to have time to post grades. The link for ordering your dual credit transcript is: https://www.stmarytx.edu/academics/registrar/transcripts/
All requests for transcripts to be sent to a college or university MUST be made through Naviance. NO verbal or written requests for transcripts will be accepted. Please do not request a transcript until AFTER you have applied to the college or university. When ordering transcripts in the first semester, please request “initial” transcripts.” During the second semester,requests should be for “mid-year” transcripts.
All requests for transcripts to be sent to a college or university MUST be made and paid for using the Transcript Request Form under the "Alumni" tab.
Final transcripts do not need to be requested. Antonian will send a final transcript for each student to the college or university identified by the graduate as their intended school in the graduation program. Final transcripts will only be sent to colleges and universities for which the graduate has an acceptance on file in the counseling office.
Naviance is the platform used by Antonian College Preparatory High School to organize and administer all student college and career needs.
The system includes the following features
Search and compare colleges;
Locate scholarships;
Ability to do interest inventories;
Create a resume;
Request recommendation letters;
And request transcripts.
Students should create a resume using the resume feature on Naviance. It is user-friendly and auto-formats when printed. The resume should be updated every semester to reflect a student’s high school career. The resume will be used by recommenders to aid in the writing of more in-depth letters on the student’s behalf.
Students must request a letter of recommendation directly from the recommender first. Be sure to let the recommender know how you are applying to schools (CommonApp/ApplyTexas etc.). Once accepted, a student must give a resume to the recommender and then add the teacher in Naviance under the “recommendation” tab. By adding the recommender to Naviance, this allows the recommender to link the student’s resume to their Naviance account.
Naviance is equipped with numerous college search features. Students are encouraged to use these features to identify schools that are good fits for them as well as to compare schools with each other.
Students are encouraged to take advantage of the many career research features offered within the Naviance system. The “Career Interest Profiler” will help students match interests and personalities to possible careers and majors.
The Antonian counselors list scholarships and scholarship sites under the “scholarships” tab. This is an excellent starting point when looking for outside scholarships, but it is only a starting point and should not be the only resource that students make use of.