Our Student Library Assistants program is a great opportunity for our students to learn helpful skills and to be mentored to help prepare for their future while helping the Antonian community while earning community service hours.
The ACP Library supports and empowers the faculty and students to fulfill the Antonian mission by providing relevant resources and meaningful services guided by the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Welcome to the Antonian College Preparatory High School Library! Students are welcome to make use of this inviting college-like quiet facility and its abundant resources for their academic pursuits or leisure reading.
Our vision is to be an exemplary library program that strives to follow associated library standards and to play an integral role in helping all students thrive in the 21st century.
Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Early Dismissal 7:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
The Antonian Virtual Library is the gateway to our online resources and is accessible from any electronic device with internet connection. Students will find 50 subscribed academic databases and programs that can also be found in many college libraries. Students should log into the system using their student email accounts.
OPALS is our new library catalog and the portal to helpful resources that empower both our faculty and students in their academic endeavor.
Master in Library and Information Science from UT Austin
Texas Certified School Librarian
Certified Educator in Google I & II, Edpuzzle, Book Creator, Canva, Kahoot, Wakelet, and Kami, etc.
A professional librarian of 32 years
A planner and speaker at Texas Library Association Conference, Region 20 Learning and Libraries Annual Conferences, Catholic Library Association Conference, and Christian Ladies Conference
Contributor for Texas Library Journal and Christian Chinese Mission Challenger Magazine
Author of Miracle Creator Series which has been read in six countries
An active member of Antonian Academic Council and Antonian Academic Planning Committee
Mentor to Antonian Student Library Assistants for Community Service
Moderator to Antonian Book Club
Coordinator of Private School Librarians of San Antonio Network
Former Chair of Texas Library Association New Members Round Table
Member of Texas Library Association Texas Youth Creator Award Committee
Professional Member of Texas Library Association, Catholic Library Association, Texas Computer for Education Association and Writers’ League of Texas
Library Lessons
Research skills to make the best of the library resources
Life skills for future success
EdTech skills to improve efficiency and professionalism
Study Hall before and after school and during lunches
One on One on research and EdTech Skills
Antonian resource rental
Community Service as Student Library Assistant
Renewal of Digital Resources
Purchase of Instructional Materials
Subscribe to EdTech apps for classroom
One on One Coaching EdTech Applications and online resources
Collaboration with Projects
Curation of Curriculum Related Resources
Other emerging needs