There are many factors that, when combined properly, contribute to Antonian's continued success. We offer a wide range of academic programs to cater to the diverse interests and talents of our students. Our curriculum is designed to inspire and empower, ensuring that every student is challenged to reach their full potential. Antonian's course curricula incorporate learning objectives outlined in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (T.E.K.S), the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) guidelines for Catholic high schools, and, as appropriate, the College Board Advanced Placement (AP) curriculum, the dual credit curriculum through the respective college/university, the American Classical League Standards for Classical Language Learning (Latin), and the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language (Spanish).
Some of our key academic offerings include:
- Core Subjects: We provide a strong foundation in core subjects such as mathematics, science, language arts, theology, and social studies, giving students the essential knowledge and skills they need for college and beyond.
- Advanced Placement (AP) Courses: For students seeking a greater challenge, we offer a variety of AP courses that allow them to delve deeper into their areas of interest and earn college credit.
- Honors Program: Our honors programs provide an accelerated curriculum for high-achieving students, fostering critical thinking and intellectual growth.
- Dual Credit (DC) Courses: Antonian is proud to partner with St. Mary's University and the University of Texas to provide opportunities to earn both high school and college credit.
*Credits listed below are the minimum number of credit hours.
Physical Education: 1.0 credit hour
English: 4.0 credit hours
Fine Arts: 1.0 credit hour
Foreign Language: 2.0 credit hours
Mathematics: 4.0 credit hours
Science: 4.0 credit hours
Theology: 4.0 credit hours
Social Studies: 4.0 credit hours
Electives: 4.0 credit hours
Antonian College Preparatory High School is on a four-quarter grading system. Students receive progress reports at the end of each quarter. All grade reports can be found in the FACTS SIS Portal.
For purposes of extracurricular participation status, student progress is monitored at each quarter-end. Students who are failing more than one course at each quarter-end are placed on the ineligibility list. A student may earn removal from the ineligibility list at the mid-quarter point (approximately 4 1/2 weeks) of the subsequent quarter or the end of the subsequent quarter.
These students may practice, but they may not participate in any competitive event or performance. These students may not wear uniforms or attend a game or event in any capacity other than as a spectator.
- Course Levels and Placement
- Grading Policy
- Semester Exams and Exemptions
- Testing Program
- Academic Dishonesty
All Antonian courses are designed to prepare the students for success in college. Courses are designated at three levels: College Preparatory (CP), Honors (H), and Advanced Placement/Dual Credit (AP/DC).
For those students who have demonstrated the ability to be challenged at a higher level, Honors and Advanced Placement/Dual Credit courses are offered. Students who fail to maintain the required academic performance to remain at the current level are subject to removal from the current level.
Entering 9th-grade students are placed in courses based on performance on the High School Placement Test (HSPT) results and other recently completed standardized test results. Although grades and teacher recommendations are considered, standardized test scores are the best indicator of student success in course levels at Antonian. Generally, a student must score in the 75th percentile or higher to be considered for placement in honors-level coursework in the 9th grade.
Rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors are placed in courses based on performance in preceding coursework of the same discipline. In cases where the student does not meet the normal standards for placement in the next higher level, a student may request a teacher recommendation by signature during the course selection and advisement process. Academic advisement for course placement for the subsequent year takes place in the spring through a conference with the staff of the Counseling Department.
Generally, a student must maintain an average of 80 or higher to remain in the Honors or AP/DC course level. A student must have an average of 90 or higher in the current course level to be placed at a higher level.
In addition, to be placed in DC course levels, a student must meet minimum test score requirements as defined by the university through which Antonian maintains its dual credit relationship (presently St. Mary’s University).
The policy is that any student placed in a course at the AP course level meets the exact minimum test score requirements as those placed in courses at the DC course level.
(Archdiocesan Policy 7103-7104)
Evaluating and Reporting
The academic progress of each student is an important goal of Antonian. Grading, at the root of it, is a means of communicating the academic progress of a student’s mastery of content to the student and their parents/guardians.
For purposes of calculating a quarter grade average,
homework/daily work is worth 10%;
minor projects/quizzes are worth 35%;
major projects/tests are worth 55%.
For calculating the semester grade average, each of the two quarters is worth 40%, and the semester exam is worth 20%.
For purposes of extracurricular participation status, student progress is formally monitored every 4½ weeks. Students failing more than one course at each 4½ week interval are placed on the ineligibility list. These students may practice but not participate in any competitive event or performance. These students may not wear uniforms or attend a game or event in any capacity other than as spectators.
Grading Period and Scale
Instruction at Antonian is divided into two (2) semesters, which include in each semester, two (2) nine (9) week quarters. Grades are recorded numerically. Beginning with the 2016-2017 school year, the grading scale has changed. The following is the grade equivalency that is used:
Letter Grade - Numeric Grade
A - 90 to 100
B - 80 to 89
C - 75 to 79
D - 70 to 74
F - Below 69
All students are expected to take semester exams in December and in May. Semester exams are cumulative assessments of the student’s mastery of course content for the respective semester.
An exemption procedure for final exemptions is permitted for seniors provided the following:
The student receives teacher approval, including satisfactory ratings of conduct.
The student holds a 94 average for the semester calculated one week prior to semester exams.
The student has not missed more than four school days during the semester, including days absent due to college visits.
The student has no unexcused absences for the semester.
All students are expected to take semester exams in December and in May. Semester exams are cumulative assessments of the student’s mastery of course content for the respective semester.
An exemption procedure for final exemptions is permitted for seniors provided the following:
The student receives teacher approval, including satisfactory ratings of conduct.
The student holds a 94 average for the semester calculated one week prior to semester exams.
The student has not missed more than four school days during the semester, including days absent due to college visits.
The student has no unexcused absences for the semester.
(Archdiocesan Policy 6010,7401)
Antonian shall test according to the guidelines established by the Department of Catholic Schools, which includes standardized tests of general achievement and scholastic ability. This is intended to provide Antonian and the Archdiocese with sufficient data for making realistic decisions about the future goals of the system, its individual schools, and individual students. Antonian administers the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS).
The required Archdiocesan testing program includes a standardized test of religion programs. NCEA ACRE (Assessment of Catechesis/Religious Education) is a religion program assessment given in the 12th grade. It measures the religious knowledge, beliefs, perceptions, attitudes, and practices of students in elementary and secondary schools.
Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty shall be subject to grade penalties on assignments or tests and disciplinary penalties. The determination that a student has engaged in academic dishonesty shall be based on the judgment of the classroom teacher or another supervising professional employee, on a preponderance of the evidence standard, taking into consideration written materials, observation, or information from students. Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to:
cheating which may include o the giving or receiving of unauthorized assistance, either inside or outside the classroom, which might give the student or any other student, an unfair advantage o having access during any test or quiz to any information which is relative to the test, talking to anyone during the test and looking at another student’s work
plagiarism which is the use of another’s words without giving due credit, theft of material, copying the work of another student, giving false data or information for a paper, report, or other such assignment, cutting and pasting from the internet, retrieving information from a private email account, social network account or other such networks, presenting information as your own which is not your own including undocumented sources and also taking ideas from another student’s work as well as information from all forms of digital media.
Cases of cheating/plagiarism may be brought before the Academic Integrity Committee. However, in general, the following consequences may be assessed:
1st offense: Referral to Dean of Academics; a grade of 0 for the affected academic work; detention; parent/guardian will be notified of the incident
2nd offense: Referral to Dean of Academics; a grade of 0 for the affected academic work; Saturday School; parent/guardian will be notified of the incident
3rd offense: Referral to Dean of Academics; a grade of 0 for the affected academic work; Saturday School; academic probation; parent/guardian will be notified of the incident
Antonian uses a third party distributor for purchasing options for textbooks used for Antonian courses. Students are responsible for the purchase of their own textbooks. If a textbook is noted as "required," it is imperative that the student acquire the book and bring it as directed by the teacher.